Maths is such an important subject in the outside world and has so many links to other areas of both education and life. Therefore, we want to provide a Maths curriculum which allows children to understand all areas of Maths and allows them to apply it confidently and successfully in their everyday life.
- All children make the most progress possible whilst also enjoying the subject.
- All children to be confident and fluent mathematicians and given the opportunities to achieve this.
- Teachers to be able to improve their practice so that they are confident in teaching all areas of maths and understand the progression of both their year group and other year groups.
- To use daily arithmetic practice and a weekly test to help build children’s fluency in Maths.
- To increase the use of learning apps such as Times Table Rock Stars.
- To celebrate maths in school which will help promote a love of the subject throughout the school and increase parental engagement.
- White Rose Maths (WRM) scheme to be used from years one to six.
- Resources to support White Rose Maths to be provided to all teachers.
- Mastery approach used in maths to improve fluency and reasoning.
- Mastering Number programme used in Reception, Year One and Year Two.
- Daily arithmetic practice with end of week tests fully used from years one to six.
- Times Table Rock Stars promoted and used for both teaching and homework; utilising competitions with certificates and prizes to encourage participation.
- Maths Mornings held regularly to promote and encourage participation in maths.
- Books about maths purchased and used to promote love of the subject.
- Able maths days to provide opportunities to gifted and talented mathematicians across key stage two.
- Times Table Rock Stars has led to some increased participation and engagement.
- Data and results from arithmetic tests show a significant improvement amongst all year groups with the class averages showing progress throughout year.
- WRM maths approach has led to improved understanding and fluency in maths due to the mastery approach.
- Data from summative assessments e.g. NFER has shown this as maths results have improved across all year groups.
- Mastering Number has had a significant impact on teaching and learning in Reception to Year Two and the programme is now embedded into teaching.